Thursday, March 29, 2007

my eyes!

this afternoon i think i saw a himself as he walked down the street. and when I say street, i mean extremely busy major street. and when i say touching, i mean it looked like he was trying to milk a cow. but fast.
i didn't see any flesh but he had that "i'm a pervert, you wanna see?" look in his eyes as I passed.

in other news, my schedule is practically full although I probably won't make enough money this month to cover my expenses, and I had another interview today with a school who wanted to know if I had my bachelor's degree handy. like here in Budapest. like the physical piece of paper.

like I keep that in my backpack?

not much else of interest. i am trying not to spend any money. therefore, I am very boring.
also, addicted to stupid facebook.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

oh, forgot to mention....

...I'm staying in Budapest for at least 3 more months. probably.

boring dream blog entry

this morning i dreamt i was late for a flight - i was going somewhere like Brazil and just stuffed a bathing suit and towel and a few other things into a bunch of bags. for some reason ending up with three different bags of stuff.
then i realized i had 30 minutes before the plane left and i was still at home. so i called someone and changed to a later flight.
i woke up and checked the clock; it was 5:30 so went back to sleep.
unfortunately, in my dreams i still had to catch that plane. i now had 3 or so hours to get to the airport. it took an hour to get out of the house and another hour to get to the place where i could catch the bus to the airport.
i tried to ask someone at the bus station which one would take me to the airport, but they didn't speak english. i did know the bus number though. Bus number 134.
things were falling out of my bags. it was snowing heavily. i walked into the bus station and
saw that there were hundreds of bus stops, in no particular order.

by this time the plane was leaving in 40 minutes and the airport was 45 minutes away.
i sat down on my bags.

then i woke up again because it was time to go teach my very first real lesson! the stupid plane dream being some fairly obvious anxiety about sleeping in and not getting to class on time (class is at 8:00).

turns out what i should have been worried about instead was where to go. i went to this huge office building, arrived a little early, but then realized that i didn't know which floor the class was on or who to ask for. it was in an email that i had forgotten to print out. the receptionist let me in to the first floor where i wandered around looking for something that looked like a class. (something like wandering around looking for bus 134).

a guy tried to help me out (also i'm sure he was somewhat concerned about this
random stranger wandering around the office), and then the receptionist let me use her computer to check the email.

i finally made it to the right floor.


the class is great though.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

lots and lots and lots of new photos

because the digital camera died, i've been using film for the past couple of months.
not very happily either, since I haven't used film in almost a year...all the photos I took were complete crap and I was worried i would have the same problem this time.
so i took three rolls in yesterday, and for less than $20 had them developed and scanned onto cd in less than 3 hours.
i'm way WAY happier with the results than i expected to be...

this is National Day
do not cross.

this is Parliament
parliament on the danube, budapest

these are Hungarian skaters
skater kids, budapest

this is the flea market
HOLGYEK! 300,-

this is cake
feast at Gerbeaud

this is the thermal lake at Heviz
steam rising off the thermal lake at heviz

this is the lock fence in Pecs
domcsi and andris, made in china

this is the train station at Tokaj on a foggy night
tokaj train station, foggy night

this is a wine tasting
the tokaj wine tasting....

see all of these and MORE in full technicolour glory on flickr.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

this is what you get when you google yourself.

i had completely forgotten about this. i'm not sure what i said but i'm pretty sure i didn't say it in french! click here and then scroll down for hyper-flattering photo and silly quote.

Friday, March 16, 2007

some things you should check out

my friend Doug is a holistic nutritionist (you won't believe how much trouble i just had trying to spell that) and has recently started up a fantastic (you could even say....super-fantastic) nutrition blog and newsletter. check out Radical Nutrition. and don't eat artificial sweeteners.

my friend Josh is currently blogging from South By Southwest in Austin, where he has just seen that little kewpie Lily Allen perform. seems she's just started her takeover of North America. you lucky sods, you haven't been overexposed yet? seriously, i'm going to barf if i hear 'Smile' one more time. though i did see a pretty cool video mash-up of that song + the cure's lullabye.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

nothing to see here, ma'am

so around 8 i finally left the apartment and when i opened the door to the street, was relieved to see the police were dismantling the barricades. whew! and i congratulated myself on great timing.

then i turned the corner and saw that that had merely MOVED the barricades. so i followed a wee squad of riot police down toward the new and improved barricade and when i was approached by one of them just pointed at myself and then pointed at the street past the in "me go out? yes?"

as i tried to pass another cop said something to me in Hungarian and i replied "nem maygar, angolul?" which means something like "no hungarian, english?" this came out extra-meek without my even trying...heavily armed people just do that to me i guess.

so they let me pass and i walked down to the main avenue, through some old-ish clouds of tear gas. it wasn't so strong anymore but the air tasted like shit and my eyes were watering. at that point i was a little past Oktogon already and couldn't see many police anymore, just people out in the street. the street was shut down and there were lots of people with flags, some wearing large garbage bin was on fire in the middle of the street and i passed some people in the process of lighting another one on fire as well. there were also plenty of people who just looked like they were out for a stroll.

just as i was turning the corner toward Phil's place i heard "pop-pop-pop" and the rushing sound you get when a lot of people start to run. turned back to see several tear gas canisters start to steam and a big crowd of people heading toward the train station. it felt a bit undignified to run, especially since i was on a side street and more especially since i was clutching a package of paper napkins in one hand. but i sped up. two men dressed in waiter-style tuxedos stood outside of a doorway, watching what was going on.

then i went up to watch Benedicte make crepes (which were impressively delicious). other arrivals spoke of seeing a car on fire, people being sprayed with water cannons...however this was apparently much much better than the situation back in October, and it would probably be over by midnight.

sure enough, when i walked home 5 hours later there was no sign that anything at all had happened. the sidewalks were cleared of debris, the street was being sprayed down and cleaned, and i had no trouble getting back into the apartment.

not some guy with a loudspeaker

so i was wrong. that wasn't some bozo with a loudspeaker and a truck, it's a demonstration outside the House of Terror. I have no idea which party or political 'wing' this represents as I can't understand what they're saying. However I did see several Arpad flags.

Hungarian politics are too complicated for me to comment on.

Anyway, my block has been barricaded and there are probably 40-50 riot police at the end of the street. I have been watching from my bedroom window and it's hard to tell what's happening - sometimes it looks like the crowd is dispersing and then a chant rises up again. Then they fall silent, then they chant again. The crowd has definitely moved back from the barricades but it doesn't look people are leaving (also it's hard to tell how many people are actually out there because i can't see around the buildings).

I'm supposed to go over to Phil's in about an hour - really not looking forward to walking through a cordon of mini-Darth Vaders to get there. I hope this is all over by the time I come home too because I don't know how I'm going to talk my way through a barricade.

when I looked again most of the protesters appeared to be gone but there were even MORE police. why? while i was pondering this, they opened the barricades and about 15 cops ran out and out of view to the front of the House of Terror. A cat came streaking across the street in the opposite direction (cats are smart). a police car pulled up on Andrassy, followed by a large group of even more riot police. I'm not sure how many, maybe 30 maybe 50, but they looked pretty beetly and intimidating with the lights flashing off their helmets and shields. Then they all ran off to the front of the Terror house too, again out of my sight.

now i can't see any protesters at all but there are even more police than before, even on the 'calmer' side of the barricade which just leads out to a quiet side street. there's a line of riot police three deep standing about 5 feet behind a barricade. two freaked out looking backpackers hurry past. a guy holding a Hungarian flag stands in front of the barricade and his friend takes his photo against the backdrop of police. i can hear some people laughing but i can't tell if it's onlookers or police.

no rioting yet

Everything seems to be pretty calm on National Day so far. i went out for a walk and saw a lot of people walking around with flags, but that's about it. I didn't go down to where the rallies were happening. There's a pretty strong police presence around some places i went past - the Synagogue and the US Embassy and the Terror House (a museum which is in a house once used as a prison by the Arrow Cross Party and the Nazis and then the Soviets. It's down the street from me.).

I can hear some people shouting things out on the street right now, but it's probably just some guy with loudspeakers and a truck.


How cool is this?

check out Bennett Robot Works. I think I have the fixings for a least a couple of robots sitting in a box back in Toronto.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


a small but increasing number of people are finding this blog via web searches such as:
heviz sex show
picking up hookers
hookers getting filmed
picking up prostitutes

not exactly sure why since, before today, I mentioned prostitution like one or two times. This post effectively triples the hooker wordcount on this blog. I look forward to the increased traffic.

Hello whore seekers! You won't find what you're looking for here. Try searching for something more specific.

Monday, March 12, 2007

a jumped up pantry boy, who never knew his place

interviews! i got interviews. unfortunately there's a national holiday on thursday which means everyone's either taking the whole week off or thursday, friday, and monday at least.

the holiday is 'National Day' which commemorates the 1848 Revolution. i'm not too clear on what exactly is going to go down but we've been warned to expect lots of protests. stories like "police will use rubber bullets when it is deemed necessary on March 15" or "Jews advised to stay at home (holocaust denier guest of honour)" are not promising. There were some anti-government protests last fall, which turned violent, and it seems like something similar is expected again this time. And it's going to bring out all the right-wing fucknut wack-jobs.

watching MTV2 - Fall Out Boy (btw - does anyone else get 'this ain't a scene' in their head for days at a time? how do you make it go away?) doing a countdown of their top 10 favourite Smiths and Morrissey videos....the oldest ones i'd never seen before. god he was hot. i guess he's still kind of hot now but those old videos were just....distracting. man.

Friday, March 09, 2007

good ol' Mustapha...remember him?

Remember Mustapha?
Remember the time he got arrested, or the second time he got arrested, or the time he took Steph and I to a whorehouse, or the time i realized just how full of shit he really was...?

Well, every so often he sends me an incomprehensible sort of update email.
The latest one is pretty good. I think it came from space.

salut ca va bien arndisデビュー30周年を迎えた浜田省吾の“I am a
father”にインスパイアされた「キャッチボール」と “Thank
cava bien 上映された映画 「TWO
beyートなど盛り沢山の特典映像を収録! mustapha

Thursday, March 08, 2007


blagh.....not sure how i went from being hyper-motivated to brain-dead but i can't even respond to email let alone write a CV today. now i'm just obsessed with the Geotagging feature on Flickr - when did they put this up? what a great way to spend a beautiful day in Budapest. Indoors shuffling virtual photos around.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

i'm a teacher! gimme some cake. is that gin?

it's done, it's over, and I passed. actually i did better than I expected to, though i don't know if that will actually make much of a difference when looking for jobs.

it's wednesday today and i've spent the last 5 days 'celebrating' the end of the course which means any excuse to eat cake, drink coffee, sit in bathhouses, buy stuff at flea markets, drink gin, eat too much food or watch movies has been exploited.

sadly, all binges must end. today i will start looking for a job. a few classmates have already found work so I'm feeling good about my prospects.

budapest is gorgeous right now, yesterday was 20 degrees t-shirt weather and today looks to be the same. i have a mild sunburn - not what i expected from budapest in March.

depending on the work situation i may be here indefinitely, i have a great living situation (it involves british sattelite television) and it seems like every corner of this city holds something new and cool. definitely staying till the end of the month anyway.

I have posted some new photos on flickr...they're two or three months old but it's some stuff from vienna and krakow. working on getting some hungary photos up there soon.