Thursday, May 17, 2007

accents and stumblers

it was great to see James and Yasmin on the weekend, we went to some of my favourite bars and drank beer until they succumbed to jet lag (hey, they made it till about 3:30 - that's a trouper in my book). I wish I could say I then went to bed but no, I sat up till 5 am eating tortilla chips in bed and reading a book about wizards.

apparently J and Y have powerful magic as well because a few days later a friend told me that my Canadian accent had "come back". where had it gone? to be honest I feel a bit like Madonna these days, I hear myself speak and think "why the hell did I say it like that? what, do I think I'm English or something?"

on the tram the other day a large elderly businessman fell on top of me. I thought for one terrified moment that he was having a heart attack - then I smelled the booze.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we did consciously say "eh" after every sentence to try and coax the canadianna out of you..... but we assumed you'd be back to chatting about flats, courgettes and augergines in no time Madge! ;)