Wednesday, June 27, 2007

new budapest photos

some more photos posted up at flickr...

this is me in Heroes' Square, early Sunday morning. part of a truly epic weekend which included wheelbarrow races in the park (i sustained mild injuries when my face met the dirt) and saw the indefatigable Natasha and I stay out all night, then make a breakfast picnic to eat in the park, then go to the flea market. we stopped along the way to take some photos.

me jumping in Heroes' Square, (almost) empty at 7am Sunday

natasha beseeches Anonymous

breakfast in the park

many other general photos of the city too, including:
notice board, budapest

tram in front of parliament
tram in front of Parliament, Budapest

our favourite gyros place:
GYROS: 500

etc etc.

in other news, only 2.5 more days of work left before i can go back to being a full-time loafer. i must say I can't wait.
the weather here has finally cooled down a bit. excited about friends coming in for the weekend.
nowhere near being packed. have no idea where i'm going next.

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