Thursday, April 05, 2007

good. soup.

yesterday our housekeeper (a very nice lady who comes in once a week to clean, so I guess housekeeper is a good enough word, that or cleaning lady) made an enormous Hungarian feast - goulash soup, vegetable soup, pork schnitzel or something, french fries, fried cauliflower, rice, noodles with lard. the common ingredient is lard or oil. i came home from a class to find her halfway done everything but I got to help out with the dumplings for the soup.

we had a long conversation while I rolled out the dumplings. unfortunately since I don't speak Hungarian, I have no idea what we discussed. but at the appropriate pause I would say something like 'jo leves!' or 'uborka?' or 'ah, paradiscom!'.

to put this in context, imagine you have a foreign visitor. conversations consist of you saying intelligent things, and your companion responding with 'soup good!' or 'cucumber?', or 'ah, tomato!'.


LOTC said...

Sounds like someone might need to do some chair-ercises after that sumptuous meal. A six pack is only a chair seat away. ;)

Anonymous said...

this is how i respond in most of my daily conversations, regardless of the language...