Sunday, October 22, 2006

"oh my god. oh my god!"

that is what you would have heard me screaming last night (this morning?) at approx 2:30 when I ran into Monique, my roomate from french school in Villefranche, in the middle of Laugavegar street in Reykjavik. I had no idea she was there, she had no idea I was there, yet there we were. I had already found and been separated from several groups of "instant friends" that night so why not one more? So off we went to some extra swank bar (a far cry from the dives I have been frequenting of late!) till about 3:30 and then Monique and co. went to bed and Jose (another instant hostel friend) and I went off and found some other friends in the lineup for a much smaller sweatier dingier place. Dancing till 6 a.m. - it's even crazier than Barcelona!
Even more amazing - we're on the same flight Tuesday morning to Copenhagen and since Monique is there for work, I get to crash in a sweet sweet hotel room and tag along as she investigates the best food, clubs, and activites that Copenhagen has to offer. I have a lot to learn from this woman.

Airwaves has been freaking incredible...I've seen 30 shows in 4 days and there are a few more tonight yet..including Patrick Watson who is playing his ass off at this festival. Highlights were We Are Scientists, Datarock, The Whitest Boy Alive, Islands (I only saw their in-store performance and decided to see another band, 120 Days instead of their full show at the Art Museum...a decision I have come to regret since even though 120 Days was pretty good, I suspect that Islands show was transcendental. It was later described to me as "the best thing I have ever seen in my life". damn), Brazilian Girls...the list goes on and on and on.
God I've missed music.


Anonymous said...

I have just rediscovered your blog, thanks to Robyn passing on the link. I spent the past hour looking at your 800 or so photos. It looks like you're having the time of your life and I am ohhhh so envious! Your blog is so funny, and you have some absolutely stunning photos. I can't wait to hear some of your bazillion stories when you return. I'm living in Calgary now... made the big move. Perhaps you'll find yourself out this way sometime before returning to Toronto. Take care, be safe, and keep on snapping sistah! I miss you!!!

Anonymous said...

isn't that small world stuff so trippy? weiiiiiiiiiird but super fun.

also great is how blogger lets me "choose an identity"