Thursday, April 26, 2007

completely exhausted, nothing interesting

apologies for the lack of exciting updates but this whole getting-up-at-6:30-thing is really starting to get me down. Maybe I'm getting sick too because by the end of each day I'm completely wiped out. I've been under the covers before 10pm not once, but TWICE already this week. Those who know me know that this is simply not right.
on the bright side one of my classes was observed by my employer and she gave me some really encouraging feedback. i've got a few more classes on my schedule, starting this week, which means i will definitely be able to pay the rent, and eat, and maybe - just maybe - drink some beer next month too.
i am completely at a loss as to what to do after June. stay here for a few more months and teach some more (not gonna save much money though - maybe a little bit, but nothing substantial)? look for a contract elsewhere in Europe? travel for the summer (the thought of living on a Greek beach is appealing)? go home for a little while (probably going to save that for the fall or winter though)?

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